Saturday, April 26, 2003

Well, another 14 hour day spent with the McMahon people. Exciting stuff! The Mariners game was fun; no, not for the baseball, for the people. Ghost Ship is a bad movie, in case anyone wanted to see it. Although it did teach us one thing - the worst way to go is by having a cable slice through your torso, and looking down as you slide off your own body, and try to pulll yourself together. That isn't very fun. What happened after everyone but Julia and I went to bed? Who knows? Lets just say that one or two firsts happened....

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Well, my classes for Summer Quarter are now set in stone. Completely static and immutable. No way to change it... (just don't visit here) Yes, I'm taking Intro to Logic, Into to Ethics, and Military History of the Ancient World. Yup, 8:30-10:40 / 8:30-12:30. Bah - must stop late nights. Need morning classes if I hope to get a job. Anyway, I was considering Fascism in Europe, until Chad pointed out that my blatant obsession with monkey sex will lead to mind-control, a much more efficient way to rule the world than the flawed ideas of fascism. Thanks for pointing that out, Chad.
Ever wonder if typos like mornign, where "ing" becomes "ign," have propagated more since the invention of the typewriter and computer? While these typos tend not to propagate in print, I'm sure they abound in email and instant messages. Ever consider that years from now, as some future historian is analyzing our culture they might consider "ign" a sometimes colloquial usage of "ing"? Just a thought.... And a reason to correct all your emails and instant messaging conversations! For they are all logged for historical purposes! Mwahaha!

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Well, in an effort to increase continuity, I admit this site is not quite C1, but I can only do what I do do. Anyway, went to a good lecture today. A Dr. Hugh Ross spoke on the existance of God as proved by science, specifically the Cosmological Constant (the jerk of the universe is positive). I don't think I quite believed the authopric principle (there being too many coincidental variables to make life perfect for us) for intelligent design. Mainly because of the multiverse theory (with infinate chances, even an event with zero probability will occur). Anyway, that was a fun four hour distraction. The speaker was very well versed. He didn't ever seem to look at his notes, and he was able to quote people and their papers without looking at them at all.

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