Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Midterms, Interviews, and Me

Sunday Laura, Julia, Jo and I hung out at Cedars. We were there for a good two and a half hours or so. The people were really cool about it, didn't rush us to order, or get a ton of food or anything. Afternoon on Sunday probably helped that too. Unfortunately, not much studying ended up getting done. And I had two midterms the next day. I also went out with my ex-boss, Oleg, and a co-worker from Tucson for drinks and dinner. I don't know why, maybe it's just being around Russians, but two beers makes me tipsy when I'm with them, but not when I'm anywhere else. Very strange. But good times. Didn't help with studying though.

Monday midterms went pretty well. AI midterm was almost too long, Networking was definately too long. Networking directly cost me a full question. I had questions to clarify it, but didn't have time to get them answered, so it ended up costing me half the question. Oh well. I still got 88/100 (mean 80). Not bad. Not most awesome, but good. And I totally know why I missed all my points. I hope AI goes well too.

Wednesday I had my interview for a Microsoft Internship. I was very nervous, but it went swimmingly. Lady there was very nice, didn't ask many questions. Asked me to tell her about a project I did - I got to talk about what I did at my previous job. It was a great way to talk about having had a real job and work with a real project and customer feedback and all that. Then she had me code up how to remove the smallest element in a linked list. It wasn't a hard problem, and I easily explained to her what I was doing, and why I made the design decisions I did, why I went back and changed them, etc. Afterwards she said she really liked how I talked about it and took other things into consideration. So I think the interview went well. Within two weeks I should hear back about the second-round of on-MS-Campus interviews to see about placing me on a team. I'll let you all know how that goes too.

Also, I'm working on making an AI for Othello right now, so if any of you guys have some strategy for the game which you'd like to share, please let me know.

"There's evil on the rise! Yeast devil, back to the oven that baked you!" - The Tick, (1, 05) The Tick vs. the Breadmaster

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