Sunday, June 19, 2005

Damn the IMAX

I must appologize to you, dear reader, for I have not given you much to read lately. Being summer, I would have thought that I would have much more time to post. Alas, it would seem that the very things which provide me with material worth posting also take up the time I would otherwise use to post. What a conundrum. Anyhoo, here I am.

This was a pretty good week. Monday Jo came over and we watched more Andromeda. Tuesday I saw Julia, and ate very tender Teriyaki - almost too tender, I don't know if I enjoyed it or not. Wednesday I hung out with Andy, he cooked awesome fajitas. We headed down to the IMAX to see Batman Begins, but due to a confusion involving Jo and ticket acquisition, they were sold out. We came back to the U-District and saw it at the Neptune. Wow. What a great movie. I was very impressed with it. It didn't follow the comic book, what with Ra's Al Ghul training him and all. I don't mind this, though. Continuity isn't a big deal for me with regards to comics. I'm unsure as to why - it's a really big deal to a lot of people. While I don't hold it against comics for being inconsistent, it's certainly awesome when they are. I really would have liked to hear Ra's refer to Batman as "Detective." He sounded so cool when he said that in the TV show. Anyway, I can't describe how good it was, just that you need to see it. So, today, Sam and I had planned to see it at the IMAX, but when I got there areound six-thirty, the seven-fifteen was sold out. So we decided to go to the ten-thirty showing. Fortunately, I had brought Fountainhead, so it wasn't too bad a wait. Sam showed up at seven and we hung out for a while. Went to the twenty-four hour diner, Millie's, which actually had some really good food. The tomato soup was so good! And I don't like soups. The lime chicken was amazing. Yay for good food. So after that, we wondered around a bit, then were getting in line to pick up another ticket for Jessica's friend. Apparently the seven-fifteen showing had been interrupted by a fire alarm, and then the equipment broke. So I waited around for three hours for nothing. Oh well, company was good, and I didn't really have anything better to do today. So we moved our tickets to Tuesday. If IMAX screws me over again though, I'm giving up on them forevers. Hear that? Forevers.

Also, it would seem that my hard drive which I thought was going to fail, is now well again. So, after I manage to fit the new hard drive into my computer, I find I didn't really need it after all. What am I talking about? Of course I did. I can always use more space. Anyway, if this stays stable (which I'll have to wait a bit before I trust it again), then I'll have five-hundred gigabytes of space! Yay!

On the bright side, Bruce Campbell is coming to town. I've gotta get that dvd soon, sos I can have his autograph. Yay!

# "Injuries, therefore, should be inflicted all at once, that their ill savour being less lasting my the less offend; whereas, benefits should be conferred little by little, that so they may be more fully relished." - Machiavelli, The Prince

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