Tuesday, May 31, 2005


These guys are so fucking cool. I so wish I were a part of this. (Maybe this is why I don't have a girlfriend.)


Ugh I knew my work's building manager had some weird political views, but I didn't think of anything beyond that. Well, today he tried to talk about physics. About how a matchbook-size bomb would implode instead of explode by virtue of it's being "small." When I questioned him, he went on about how the E&M "gravatons" pushed everything away. I pointed out to him that gravitons were the cariers of the force of gravity, and photons carried E&M. He denied this, then went on to say that nutrinos were carries of gravity. He's going to go to a big phyiscs talk, so he's been brushing up on his physics. "But nutrinos have mass, and we know they don't do anythign with gravity." "Well yeah, that's exactly right, their mass imbues a force." At this point I gave up and shook my head. "What I'm talking about is a lot more than they teach you in schoo..." No shit. I don't care about the bull-shit they teach in the basic physics classes. That's so uninteresting I actually didn't care what my grade was. That's why I've been reading Scientific American, Discover, and MIT Review all these years. Not to mention the Slashdot and Betterhumans postings I keep up with and the physworld articles I read occasionally. He's probably just been reading some cook's religious-science bullshit. Just as I've reached my limit of frustration and of incomprehansion of stupidity, my boss walked back in and the guy boasts "we were talking about physics." Ugh.

"I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy, to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids." - General Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

Damn. That quote was all too appropriate.

Monday, May 30, 2005


So I've been having this tight soreness behind my ears where my mandible is held to my skull. I know I have loose cartilage there, and that can cause soreness, but it's only ever caused popping for me, never soreness. This leads me to believe this pain may be caused by me new earphones. I've been wearing them a lot lately, especially with my boss having been gone all last week. They're tight-fitting earplug types. They always hurt when there for a long time, but I thought maybe it was just stretching the cartilage or something. Seems it was more perhaps. Anyway, this means I didn't have music to listen too all this week. Kinda weird. I'm so used to it, and to be free from it seems like something's missing. I tried going in to Hall Health on Thursday, but my lunch with Nick and Zach ran late, so I didn't make it (and was late to the Google talk, sigh). Hopefully I'll make it over there this Thursday or something.

This has been a very odd weekend. I've been trying to be productive and write my big Ethics paper, but have failed to be as productive as I had hoped. I keep sitting down to write it, but then not be able to concentrate. I knew this would happen. Every time I start a new programming project, no matter how small, I just can't concentrate on anything else. All I had to do was wait two mroe weeks until after finals. Blah. Anyway, the project's just a little thing to help me rename all the comic files I've been getting so they're all nicely labeled and such. Fun times. It's all purdy this time. Man, I need to get a life.

Speaking of which, I went to a party at Jo's on Friday. It was quite enjoyable. It started off kinda slow, I didn't anyone besides Jo and Kat, and they had enough other people to socialize with that it was none too exciting. But things picked up once Andy and Alissa came and people started getting drunk. That sounds terrible. Ugh. Once the girls started dancing things were sufficiently amusing and I stayed until (most) everyone left. I left with Kat, Jo, and their neightbor, Kyle (was that his name?) lying outside on the ground. I'm glad I picked up new earphones when I found out I might be walking over to Nordheim Friday afternoon. They're in the same style as my original earbuds and this much more comfortable (and half as expensive!) as the ones I had replaced the originals with. A good investment for the long walk to Jo's place. It went by pretty quickly this time - perhaps just because I hadn't walked with music for a while.

So anyway, I've gotten little of consequence accomplished this weekend. Good luck to Chad in his extermination of Don Roacho (who can apparently fly now).

Oh, before I take off, I just have to share my latest nightmare (really, I'm not making this up): I dreamt I had bought too much butter, despite needing only a little bit for my toast, and then I got home, only to discover my roommate had done the same! The Horror!

TheDarkPimpLord: you probably have a chance
TheDarkPimpLord: unless you're a homo!
airmcpanky: hehe
airmcpanky: hopefully
airmcpanky: I'm crossing my fingers
TheDarkPimpLord: hopefully you're a homo?
airmcpanky: I made sure to make it sound like I'm very willing
<Names changed to protect the identity of the innocent>

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