Sunday, May 08, 2005

The 20th Birthday of One Sir Imp

So, today I turned 21. It's so amazing. I mean, just 24 hours ago, I was a totally different person. Now that I can buy booze, I'm totally unstoppable! It's like the world is bowing down at my feet! I can't imagine how I could possibly have lived before today. I am a new man!

Okay, enough of that bullshit. I'm 21 now, and I don't feel any different than before. Yes, now I can legally buy (and consume) alcohol. Not that I think I will become a booze hound anytime soon. I've yet to find a beer that I like. And even when I do, I doubt I'll even average one a night. I don't even have one of my sodas a day. I dunno. At least now I'll be able to go out with everyone when they do. I don't have be be left behind just because of the color of my skin. That's always much appreciated. So I had decided (and planned) to get drunk last night. I was turning 21, and that was a better time than any other. But alas, 'twas not to be. I had this awesome tasting dinner at my new favorite mexican place on The Ave. It was so filling. I couldn't eat that last bite. Though, when I tried, I felt like I was going to be sick. And indeed I was. Though that came three hours later. So after dinner, Lisa and Julia met up with us and we all hung out at my place for a bit. I wasn't aware of anything which would be suitable for the seperate groups of friends, besides a movie, which would have been fun, but not very social or interesting. So we just sat around and chatted. I tried having a beer, but my stomach kept being a little bitch. There were many times I had to excuse myself and rush off to my bathroom. Fortunately, around midnight, my stomach had had enough, made the decision I was hoping for, and voided its contents. I felt much better after that. Lisa, Julia, Zach and I headed over to the bars on The Ave. We hit all the Irish places. I found out I like amaretto sour and don't like Guinness. Yay for tasty. So, I had a thoroughly toxicated evening (a lack of intoxication is toxication, right?). Lisa postulated that I just wasn't letting myself get drunk. I had every intention of doing so. I decided that this was a suitible time and place for it. It just didn't work out. I suppose I could have tried harder. Oh well. I'm sure there will be more opportunities.

I shall leave you with advice which was not immediately applicable to me last night, but is nonetheless quite correct.

"As human beings, you and I need fresh, pure water to replenish our precious bodily fluids" - General Jack Ripper

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