Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Trip to Parent's House

Wow. It's been a long time since I've written here. And a lot certainly has happened. I've just not felt like posting. Nor have I felt like venting. But things haven't been that great. They haven't been the worst they've ever been. But they have been alright.

What wasn't so good? For the last month or so, I'd just been really frakin' frustrated by my lack of having a female companion. Even more so, I was disappointed in myself for being frustrated by this. I'd never cared before. It feels like a weakness. So not only did I miss a companion, I had very little hope of the practicality of finding one. Going home really helped with this. Especially talking to Thayer. He knows exactly how I feel. He's equally frustrated in people. Seems wrong to be comforted by such a thing, but it does vindicate my judgment at least.

So two weeks ago, I finally bought San Andreas. I had been meaning to for some time, but after that stupid fucking mess with the rating. I just had to support them for their previous rating. I think its bullshit that they are responsible for some third-party hack. Even if they had put it in, they completely disabled it. Anyway, so now I have it. Yay. There goes my time.

I also got several new hard drives lately. Some of my original ones failed me, so I bought a replacement. But that wasn't quite big enough. So I bought another one. But it appears that my motherboard isn't quite what it used to be, and most of my IDE channels don't work anymore. So until I get a new computer and can suffer this one being out of commission for a bit, I've just gotta wait before I add new ones (which shouldn't be a problem - assuming this configuration is stable, I've got 520GB).

I went back home last week for Jonathan's Eagle Court. After three years, he finally finished it. I'm so proud of him. He goes of to Colorado State University in two weeks.

Time home was pretty awesome. I flew in Wednesday night, after getting five hours of sleep the night before, so I was pretty wiped. Nonetheless, since my folks were turning in early, and everyone was gone the next morning, I decided to hang out with my friends. I went over to Chad's house (Thayer's actually, he's staying there again this summer) to meet up with Thayer and Pat. We hung out a bit, then went to play pool for about half an hour. After that we went back and hung out more, Harmony showed up and Thayer smoked one of his fancy cigars. We talked a lot about Computer Science and physics, and the philosophical consequences for it. Poor Pat didn't understand all of what we were saying. Though I'm sure he understood the part about being sick of people and being very frustrated with not finding any good chicks. It helped to vent like that. But I'll not be seeing Chris in a while since he doesn't have a computer this summer. It's really cool that all my friends from Simi and I are just now liking all the same music. Very excellent.

Friday night Ben, Pat and I went over to Pat's place to watch the Stargates and Battlestar Galactica. 'Twas awesome. We watched the anime Metropolis too - it was okay. Didn't seem like anything special. Pat has comic books! Yay! He showed them to me too. : )

Saturday Jonathan had his thing. That was alright. But then we went to UCB.
The Upright Citizens Brigade! Fucking awesome. I got me a tee-shirt too. I actually got to see the Matts (Besser (Adair) and Walsh (Troder)). The show was pretty cool. They had some stupid black SNL guy though. They took a suggestion for his pre-show discussion (just a short monologue so they could get some material). I told him to do "hubris" but nooooo. He didn't know what hubris meant. They told him it was "pride" but it's more than that. Anyway. So he didn't know what to do, so he talked about being black. I'm so fucking tired of that. All black comedians do is talk about being black. It made me want to plot to kill him as he suggested (though I could go without the eating part). But, except for him, it was cool.
After UCB we went back to Chad's place for boozin'. It was going to be weird - I've not had drinks with these people before. Though if I'm going to get drunk with anyone, these are the ones. Anyway, I had four shots of tequilla, an amaretto sour, and two shots of dark rum. Granted, it was over the space of a few hours, but I didn't even feel light-headed. I was quite disappointed and very surprised. Oh well. We managed to get Chad totally drunk. He was pretty awesome. Just some random words would make him throw himself out of his chair onto the floor and roll around in hysterical laughter for ten minutes. That kept us occupied until about 0600, when Chad went to sleep, and we all parted ways. Thanks to Pat for going out of his way to be helpful and driving around everywhere.

I also got to show my parents and brothers and my friends Primer, which I think is one of my favorite movies ever. I watched it three times while I was at home. I don't think that I could have done that with any other movie. It helped that it was short though. Anyway, I tried explaining what I could of it, though it seems my friends understood and liked it a lot better than my family did. Anyway, for those of you who haven't seen it, do so. It's awesome.

Thanks Andy for picking me up at the airport - with perfect timing too.
Jenn, we'll have to work better on our timing so we can see each other when we're in Simi and not miss eachother by a week.

"Human behavior is economic behavior. The particulars may vary, but competition for limited resources remains a constant. Need as well as greed have followed us to the stars, and the rewards of wealth still await those wise enough to recognize this deep thrumming of our common pulse." - CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"

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