Saturday, May 22, 2004

Well, it's been a hectic week. And by hectic week I mean it's been too mellow this week to warrent a posting. Now next week, that'll be exciting. This weekend I have to write a math report. I'm reporting on G�del's Proof. (I wonder if the umlout will show up. It better, umlouts make things more awesome.) G�del proved that any axiomatic system at least as complicated as arithmetic (most of math) is incomplete; that is, incapable of expressing all truths. That means you can't make math your religion. For that matter, it means other things, like religion, can only have answers to everything if they contradict themselves at some point. Just a thought. At work we're shipping our product on Monday, so expect me to come back late from work all tense because we just found a bug at 5:59 and it crashed the whole program. Then I have a study group for my Math midterm on Wednesday. Tuesday I have another study group for which I need to try to get out of work. Then Wednesday night I have to draft another essay. I still have to catch up with my reading from last week. Perhaps I should be doing that instead of blogging. On the other hand, by posting this blog, I'll not have to defend my lack of posting to Zach.

So, what happened this week? Lets see.... There were ASUW elections (or was that last week?). That was exciting. I got to walk around campus for a week and get fliers shoved in my face, only to see the Greek candidates sweep the elections. How exciting. It seems it is a popularity contest after all. Ahh, such a reminder of high school. The Greek System is so similar to it. Oh, and on Monday the librarys here won an award for being the best university library system in the country. Take that other places! Not only did we get an award, but I got a free ice-cream sandwich! Yay! That reminds me, I need to take my aged/icky/stale bread to school on Monday and domesticate some more ducks. Hopefully I'll be able to get them to hop for it. That would be so cool. I just hope they don't take a shit in front of me like last time....

Oh, and exciting news! After much drama with the AT&T people at Best Buy, I'm getting a cell phone! Yay! Alden will be more accessible. Yes, Zach, I can now call "ahead" and show up at your door a minute later! How wonderful! Soon, I will no longer be able to deny getting the message that you claim to have "left with my roommate". So, as soon as my dad mails up the phone, I'll give you all my new phone number. My pockets will soon be bulkier than ever. Then again, it might not be my cell phone you're seeing. Ahh, it's amazing what a good insurance plan will get you these days. But, I digress. Some day I shall post up here the contents of my pockets. Then you'll see! Then you'll all see!

Younger Archmage: "You mean we came all this way, and I can't even take it in with me? What am I supposed to do? Eat it?"
Older Archmage: "You are learning."
Gargoyles (35, 2, 22) - Avalon, Part 2

Friday, May 21, 2004

Hey Zach! A new post! Whee! I'll update more tomorrow between classes, if I have time. Until then, I'll expect Van Helsing to go well.

"Idle hands spend time at the genitals" - Ol' Drippy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force

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