Monday, March 14, 2005

Best Ending Ever

Today was freakin' sweet. It started out with me having an awesome dream about Heroes of Might and Magic - I'm kinda disappointed I don't remember more about it, but that's okay. So, about 0850, I'm woken up by my roommate, Andrew, who reports that the internet's down. See, our ip address likes to be dynamic and change a lot, and for some reason that messes up our mid-sequence router. I don't know why. Anyway, my bedroom door is locked - quite unusual, so Andrew doesn't get to do what he would normally do, just come in and reboot the router. Instead he bangs for about a minute until I give up trying to convince myself that it's a dream. I get up, reboot the router, and get back in bed. But then my curiosity gets the better of me, and I check the time. "Holy shit!" I had a final at 0830! So I throw on clothes, greatful I had taken a shower the night before, and run out the door, shouting a thank-you to Andrew. I ran most of the way to class, realizing I was out of shape in the process. (Have I ever been in shape?) So I get to the final forty minutes late, my prof greats me with a "nice to have you." I take my seat, kinda worried about time, and kinda out of it at first, but the test goes well. It seemed pretty easy. Similar to the midterms, on which I think I got the high scores (at least on the last one). My prof was pretty ammused that I ended up finishing early, and everyone else was still working. So that was awesome.

As I was walking home, I noticed the LaRouche freaks setting up their tables and decided to argue with them. I ended up talking to one guy for forty minutes or so. I beat down most of what he was saying, though he kept agreeing with me on things. He said that helping Africa industrialize shouldn't be done as charity. He said the most important resource was man's mind. Though he still had all these other ideas like government should be in charge of everything. That infrastructure needed to be nationalized. That America was founded to help mankind. I tried arguing against that, but didn't know my histroy well enough. Anyway, it ended with him telling me about these math and physics lectures that they had people come and give. They sounded pretty cool, so I actually might end up going to some of them.

Lunch was awesome. I discovered an episode of Gargoyles which I had not seen before! And I thought I had seen them all! Though it wasn't an official Gargoyles episode (Greg Weismann didn't participate in the third season), it was still pretty good.

Work today was weird. Boss wasn't there. Forgot my keys, which was irritating.

Went up to Best Buy, though my mp3 player's batteries died. I was unable to find company, so I kept trying to get it to continue. I could turn it on, and it would play with what it loaded on that disk spinup, but once the buffer was empty, it didn't have enough power to feel like trying to spin up again, and would shut down. Then I would turn it on again, and it would repeat. This went on for an hour or so until I gave up. The thing still said it had an hour of battery left. I don't know what it's measureing, but I'll have to keep that in mind. Anyway, I got to Best Buy, but forgot that one of the dvds I wanted (The Incredibles) comes out tomorrow, so I'll have to go back. Blarg. Well, it may not be so bad, I did get to flirt a bit with a cute cashier. Maybe she'll be there again when I pick it up.

"I... I.. don't know exactly how to put this sir; but are you aware what a serious breach of security that would be? I mean, he'd see everything! He'd see the big board!" - General Buck Turgenson

Sunday, March 13, 2005

A final word?

Thayer: and remember that all of us once accepted other philosophies and were honest enough with ourselves to know when we were arguing without clear minds.
Thayer: If you read it honestly and still disagree, at least you will have a clearer view of why. If you read it dishonestly then I think it will be a hint at which of us has correctly examined the facts.
Thayer: Remember that the point of argument isn't to win. It is to determine correctness. Sometimes both parties of an argument are incorrect and they ultimately adopt a third viewpoint.
Thayer: If you care at all what is right, I suggest you read her books without holding a grudge as you read and then decide on your philosophy
Thayer: dont take this as an insult. All of us once had those same definitions and it took a lot of reading and thinking for us to realize that they were not correct.
Thayer: Its like coming to a logical conclusion with the wrong base...if your premises are corrupt you cant logically come to the right conclusion
Thayer: To us, you're speaking a different language based on a socialist and altruistic vocabulary and so you cant understand what we're trying to tell you.
Thayer: And you seem to think that people's happiness has nothing to do with their ability to make their own living and own what they have worked for.
Thayer: You seem to think that "society" is something that can have an end in itself or that a society can be good or bad independent of the feelings of the individuals that comprise it.
Thayer: I suggest you take the time to read a few of her books. I'm sure alden can point out some good ones about the basics of the philosophy
Thayer: From our perspective you are contradicting yourself because you dont know the implications of some of your statements
Thayer: Your views of it are based on incorrect or different definitions of specific terms that Rand uses to describe her philosophy.
Thayer: We have all read a good amount about economics and philosophy INCLUDING socialism and communism.You obviously haven't read anything about objectivism and have already formed your opinion about it.
Thayer: I think you should take the time to figure out exactly what you're arguing against before you talk away.
Thayer: Anyway, JOKING aside, a couple more comments. I think nick needs to understand that there can be a real definition to morality that doesn't necessarily coincide with society's views.
Thayer: A toast. To maturity. I envy some people who are too mature for humor.
Alden: That would be so bad-ass.
Laura: I just wanted to tell you Alden that someone yesterday told me I looked like a Rand heroine. I took it as a compliment ;) The next time you hit on a girl that should be your opening line.
Alden: Hey guys, just thought I'd give props to Fuzzy for his awesome posts lately. So those of you who haven't read him, check it out.
Laura: Congratulations...?

"I ride through the desert on a horse with no name" - America, Horse With No Name

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