Thursday, December 11, 2003

Okay. Since when I kinda reviewed Korn's last album on here I Google put up ads for Korn's Take a Look in the Mirror, let's see if they'll put another Korn ad up since I bashed the Right Now music video.

"Richard Baxton piloted his Recon Rover into a fungal vortex and held off four waves of mind worms, saving an entire colony.
We immediately purchased his identity manifests and repackaged him into the Recon Rover Rick character with a multi-tiered media campaign: televids, touchbooks, holos, psi-tours--the works.
People need heroes. They don't need to know how he died clawing his eyes out, screaming for mercy. The real story would just hurt sales, and dampen the spirits of our customers. " - Mythology for Profit, Morgan Stellartots Keynote Speech

Tuna! Tuna! Tuna!

I don't know why. I'm just on a tuna streak today. I told Thayer to bring tuna home with him. I told David to beat Jonathan with some tuna. I don't even like tuna. All I can think about is Gir, trying to fly, but not being able to, since he took his extra fuel out to make room for the tuna. I think I might be going crazy, too much studying?

Maybe it's too much Day of the Tentacle, which, by the way, I finally got working! Yay DosBox! I never thought I'd need a DOS emulator. But now I have one (at least in part). I suppose I could install DOS and have another boot partition. It would only have to be a few hundred megs. Hum.... Anyone have a DOS 6.0 disk? I need more 80's computer games! MORE! The saddest part is I keep getting stuck, and having to use a hint guide. I'm a sad, sad, very bad person.

For all of you who don't know, DON'T WATCH Korn's Right Now music video. That is the single sickest, most disturbing creation I have ever seen. Even worse than the ballroom scene in Ghost Ship, or the laser defense grid in Resident Evil. I understand the want for shock value, but come on people. That's a bit over the top. I hope I never actually see that again. (Ha! My mentioning of this will plague you all, because you'll think, "hey, how bad can it be? I'll have to check that out." And then you'll download it, or see it on MTV, and then you'll burn! You'll burn your eyes out of their sockets. Searing pain will wash over you as you are engulfed in the flames. But you can't come running to me. I warned you. I told you so.)

So, yeah. So I should probably get back to studying. I don't want to be gouging my eyes out in frustration while I'm taking my Math and Data Structures finals tomorrow. Wish me luck!

"Out vile jelly!" - Duke of Cornwall, King Lear
"Have you eyes!?" - Hamlet, Hamlet
"Alack, I have no eyes" - Gloucester, King Lear
"Keep talking! All this stuff about eye gouging has gotten me all frisky." - Stewie, Family Guy (33, 3, 05) - And The Wiener Is...

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