Thursday, June 17, 2004

Whoa. Weird. Did you guys know that Japan bombed the US and Canada during World War II? Here's a link about these little known baloon bombs. Take that Seattle. Yay for backup systems. There's also an article here on the effect the baloons had on Canada (ie creation of one website for a grandfather).

That's the weirdness for today folks.

Monday, June 14, 2004

It's been two whole days and I'm still not completely moved in. I wonder how long I can keep boxes in Jo's room before she notices... Oh well, I blame my lack of moved-in-ness on my finger. See, I had to carry many bags of cans, cereal, and other food into the new place. Doing so, I had many bags in one hand. And, as usual, some fingers lost circulation. No biggie. Only it's been two whole days, and my left ring finger is still randomly numb. Is that a bad thing? I hope not.

Also, in a moment of weakness, I bought a new book today. What? Barnes & Noble was on the way home. Anyhoo it's Ayn Rand's The Virtue of Selfishness. Maybe I will be able to comprehend the awesomeness of conversations with Sara now. Huh? Maybe... Oh, that reminds me: Chad had taken a stance on the relevance of extreme examples. Here is his yelling at me for being mistaken:
"extreme cases ARE important to consider; you can't have x=y be true unless x=y, even when x and y are a milliion billion bajillion."

Um... bajillion...

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Bah. Cell phone is going away. Sad. I'm finally one of the cool people, then, just because my dad doesn't get reception on *his* plan, I lose my cool-guy-wannabe status. Sigh. Well, let's hope verizon has some good plans soon. I'll let you all know what my new number will be.


Yay! I've finally moved out of the 7th street apartment. Now I'm here. I still haven't unpacked much at all. Lets see.... computer, clothes... yup. That's it so far. Thanks to Lisa for letting me use her car for those half-dozen trips it took me to get all my shit over here. Thanks to Laura for using her truck to help me get my bookshelf and matresses over here. For the next few days I'll be moving and organizing a lot of stuff, so I'll probably post complaints here.

On a lighter note, I saw Eurotrip today. It was a very amusing movie.

"No, it's still not off. Try rubbing it a bit more..." - Cooper, Eurotrip

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