Saturday, May 01, 2004

Okay. I'm finally getting a chance to update for real. Now seems like a good time. It's too hot to go to sleep. It's too hot to do homework. Julia ran away with Aiden, and Lisa left today and never came back. I hope everyone's okay. I'm here all alone (well, Bethany's in the other room, but she's asleep, so she doesn't count). Sigh, poor Alden. Poor poor Alden. Give me money. Give me love. Give until it hurts (you, not me).

So, this week was really irritating. I had a math midterm on Wednesday, as you can see from my previous posting. I'm convinced I failed it. I left thinking I might have gotten one, maybe two of the four problems close to right. Then the prof. the next day says he's pretty sure no one got a full problem right, and the average might be about two problems. Great. I probably sucked it more than I thought. Though at least other people did too.

Wednesday night, after I get a break from studying, Lisa has to study after her break the day previous. Sigh, our apartment is so busy. Oh well, at least I got to watch Lisa make her cute foamboard-people cut-outs.

A wonderful thing happened Thursday. My MP3 player arrived! Yay! Now I can fit all my music on a portable player. Yay! Though perhpas teh 20gb was a bit much, considering my music takes up less than 3gb. Sigh, I need to diversify. Oh well, now I can steal other people's music. Yay for dc++ and bit torrent. It's the Archos Recorder V2, if any of you cared to know. It's bulkier than ipods, the line-in/line-out ports look kinda shody, but they work (for now at least) and you can feel the hard drive spin up. But, it only cost me $120. And it has a replacable OS. I downloaded RockBox, and installed that. So far it's really awesome. RockBox is a lot better than the native OS. File/Playlist resume is very much appreciated. It also has a neet little thing where I can flip the screen, and use the player upside-down; you know, for when I feel like looking through my hand at the screen. I'm happy with it (for now at least). Yay for Alden!

"Once a man has changed the relationship between himself and his environment, he cannot return to the blissful ignorance he left. Motion, of necessity, involves a change in perspective." - Commissioner Pravin Lal, "A Social History of Planet"

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Just a quick update on my serious lack of posting on my part these past few weeks. Work and school have been pretty hectic. Just to let you all know, I have a gmail account! 1337! Whee! Okay, back to studying for midterm tomorrow.

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