Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Seems I've gotten to be terrible at this whole updating thing. Sigh. I keep saying this and I keep saying I'll be better, but I never am. I should probably just accept it.

What's new? It's the third (fourth?) week into this quarter, and it's been pretty cool. Comics class is picking up now that we're doing Comic books and not just old-school comic strips (Yellow Kid, Krazy Kat, and Little Nemo). AI is looking better, or at least more intersting. The projects are fun. Networking's cool as well - learning lots of neat stuff I didn't expect to. Research is going pretty well, I'm just learning OCaml right now. Going to start collecting a zoo of compile-time errors. That'll be fun. What else? Oh, Julia ditched me for thanksgiving, so I'm once again left in that void between people loving me and no one knowing I'm in this predicament. Maybe someone actually reads my blog. I don't know.

Friday night was fun. Laura, Julia, Jo and I went out to dinner at Cedars. It was really fun and quite tasty. Best part was not leaving after we finished, just hanging out and enjoying the bottom-less Chai (I had to piss regularly for the next four hours or so). Jo's got some awesome pics up (sorry, I don't remember the url. Jo, if you read this, can you post it?). Anyway, ask me and I shall email them to you.

Saturday night was pretty cool as well. I know Lisa may not understand, but it was fun. I hung out with Lisa while she babysat her niece Madison. Madison was not in a good mood. Maybe she was sick, maybe she didn't like me, I don't know. Either way she cried for about two and a half hours straight before she finally fell asleep. Poor Lisa had to sit in one position on the couch for an hour and a half before Amanda and Andy came to relieve her (and another half-hour before they actually took her away!). Some may wonder how I could enjoy two and a half hours of screaming baby. But I did. Lisa was awesome as usual, and was so cute with Madison (who's a cute baby herself).

Sunday I woke up at 4pm. Now, some may think this is a problem stemming from having classes start after 1pm three days a week. All I know is I was still tired afterwards.

Oh, and for all of you who haven't seen Equillibrium, it's a freakin' awesome movie. Christian Bale is beautiful, as usual. Story's nice too.

"You exactly told me it was a magical goodies creator!" - Captain Murphy, Sealab 2021 (12) - Policy on what a credit card is

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