Wednesday, December 08, 2004

So Laura's writing a paper on orality and the how the written word has changed even how people think. Biggest example was the lack of logical inference in oral cultures. When told something like: "All bears in the north pole are white. Polar bears live in the north pole." They could not answer, "What color are polar bears?" They'd say something like the didn't know, they hadn't ever seen one. I know, quite hard to fathom. I'm interested in reading her paper. Anyhoo, she mentioned some people have a disease (odd to classify it as that, but anyway) which makes them see colors when they hear sounds. We often hear sounds when we see things, like musisians reading music, or hearing someone say something when we're reading a letter form them or whatnot. Anyway, I've been given the task of thinking of blue everytime I hear my name to see if this is a behavior which can be trained or not.

CS TA: Okay guys, listen up. We're just short of an even, so there will be one group of three of you.
Classmate: Just short of even? Don't you mean odd?
CS TA: Shut up!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Hehe. Andrew and I saw a commercial on the History channel for a special on Ben Franklin, and we're both like: "we so have to see that!" So I spend the day making sure I can get my homework done just so I can see Ben Frankin tonight. It was actually pretty cool. Spent the first hour talking about his accomplishments, about twenty minutes on his mistresses, and the rest on his ideals for America. I didn't realize how popular he was, and still he failed at so many attempts at romance. Kind of makes things seem really gloom for me, eh? Though he was still wildly popular with all the other ladies. He invented a lot of cool stuff and made France fight for us. It's because of people like Ben, that we're the bad-assest-biggest-motha-f*ckin' country ever! Hehe. Though I do question the credibiliy of having Nicholas Cage open and close specials like this just because he has a movie based on Historic Fiction. I mean, there's a kernel of truth in it, and I understand it gets people into history and all, but should they really promote it if it's not being historically accurate?

I also reinstalled Alpha Centauri today, as I was missing it, and Quake was a bit to fast-going for me at the moment. I figured I'd try the Gaians out. What? Someone besides University? I want to see how friendly I can get with Planet. I think I remember fungus being the best all-around resource. I also hope to take a page out of Chad's book, though more extreme, and have one city harvest an entire contenent all to itself. Bwahahahaha!

On a less than exciting, in fact, semi-desperate note: Zach convinced me to sign up for at Heh, I got it done so much quicker than he did. It took him fourty minutes to use his name as his login. No, this isn't me being desperate, just some other way of letting people find me while I sit back and be apathetic. If you want, you can find me as "theimplord" (big surprise). Just don't all go there and don't tell me, I don't want to think I'm popular and then find out it's just you bozos.

"He [Benjamin Franklin] was always proud of telling how he entered Philadelphia, for the first time, with nothing in the world but two shillings in his pocket and four rolls of bread under his arm. But really, when you come to examine it critically, it was nothing. Anybody could have done it." - Mark Twain

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