Saturday, November 08, 2003

Spoiler Alert! (Hah! Now you have to keep reading, even if you don't want too, you can't help it! The power of hell compels you!)

Woo! Yay new Matrix! The Matrix: Revoltions kicked serious ass. Anyone who denies this is obviously a big stupid-head. I hear a lot of people aren't liking it. I suspect it's because they were expecting something different. Well, I guess I am smarter than you guys, because it was exactly what I expected. I'm glad they closed up Neo's story, and I'm happy with how they did it. But I still long for more of the matrix universe. How long will this peace last? How will it be negotiated? What is the role of that little girl, the "Last Exile", as Smith put it? How did she create the sunset for Neo? Did the matrix reset? What happened to all the former Smiths? Were they really freed? Were Saraph and the Last Exile ever consumed by Smith? (Yes, I know the cookies thing semi-implied it, but I'm not sure.) Questions questions.

Earlier this week Zach messages me and tells me that UCB Season One is out on DVD. And it's only $15 at Best Buy! Yay! I don't order it right then and there, of course. Instead I wait until Friday night, only to discover that Best Buy has bumped the price up to $23. Sigh, okay, so I check Amazon, $21. A bit better, I start to order it and then I see "Preorder this Item." What? Apparently Amazon and many other resellers haven't gotten the word yet that it's supposed to be on sale. Fools! And to think I was going to give them my money. Phhh. But, I must forgive them, UCB should have come out a long time ago. At least it's out now.

I'm all alone. This weekend everyone left me. Bethany went home. Lisa went home. Julia flees out of fear... No one's around to watch me do nothing all day! Well, I'm working on my new ML assignment. This language takes a while to get used too. I can't wait til I learn Pearl. Hey, then we can finally do our Pyramid Pimping Scheme! Wow, that was a looong time ago! Ahh well, back to tumb-twiddling.

"I can usually spot a planet, they're large; I have good eyes." - Tyr, Andromeda (1, 09) - A Rose In The Ashes

Monday, November 03, 2003

Happy unHalloween! This past week was pretty fun. Halloween was great, I got to go as asault (Lisa wore a battery and taped a salt shaker to me shoulder). Brandi came to visit! Yay! Oh, I also got to see a gorilla handcuffed to my fridge. Don't ask. Unfortunately, we didn't have any trick or treaters - no condoms for the masses.
We saw Kill Bil Vol. 1 today. It was icky. I've learned I really need to watch my cholesterol. I can't have neck spewing blood like a fountain when my head is removed. Besides, it doesn't even get on my killer. That movie has to be the goriest movie ever. I take pride in the fact that I was a little distrubed. I'm not totally desensitized... yet. Sigh, I feel bad for liking the movie. Is that wrong? Oh well, it's over, right? Wait, "Vol. 1"?

"Man has killed man from the beginning of time, and each new frontier has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future be different?" - Col. Corazon Santiago, "Planet: A Survivalist's Guide"

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