Thursday, October 21, 2004

Take that Zach. Long time between posts. Haha!

So, yeah. Classes are getting better. In my philosophy class (personal values, for those of you who weren't paying attention), the teacher has finally gotten her act together and comes prepared with a talk, and delivers it a lot better than she started out doing. CSE still seems pretty simple, though it's getting harder and more complicated as tiem goes on. The labs are getting a little more irritating as I keep getting there and seeing, "you should have started this before you come to lab." Sigh, maybe I'll learn from that. Then again, I probably won't. Mythology is pretty cool, very relaxed class - ironic considering it's worth the most credits out of all my classes.

I spent this whole last weekend working on my Universe Manager program. I've got it working quite nicely. Just well enough that I can start making my Gargoyles guide. I still have a bunch more stuff I want to imlement, but all that which I need for Gargoyles is working (TV Show, Character, Event, and Glossary support). Yay. I'm also realizing I need to get a DVD burner in the near future. The new Battlestar Galactica series has come out, and that, on top of Andromeda and "soon" two more Stargate series, that's a full 1.4 GB a week! So, yeah, I need a burner. I'll have to get that before Christmas, sadly. I want to get a Dual-Layer burner, but those are still kinda fresh, so it'll be more costly than if I could wait. Sigh. Oh, congrats Zach! Yay for new TV! Now I'll have a reason to go over there again.

On Tuesday this week, I was quite impulsive and on my way back from class I purchased my first comic book! Yay! Though, to be sure, they're never ever going to ever be opened and read, let alone creased. I bought two Exiles book compalations. I didn't realize Exiles was a current series. For those of you who don't know, Exiles is an x-comic (focuses on the x-men subset of the Marvel Universe). It's about six characters (including the sexiest comic-book character ever, Blink) who have been displaced from thier own (different) timelines, and must mend them by jumping from timeline-to-timeline, fixing things - like killing a vampiric Captain America. Cool. Anyway, I downloaded a bunch and have been reading them. They're really cool, and so they deserve my money. I'll still read them solely on the computer (until I'm at the current issue that is!) Anyhoo, that made me really happy on Tuesday. Good times.

Wednesday, I was all set to go to the movie Primer, but then I realized that Amazon was doing a presentation, so I left work early to attend it, and discovered that I don't really want to work at Amazon. They don't seem to be doing much in terms of Artificial Intelligence (besides user customization, which isn't exactly what I want to be doing). So that was disappointing. Though, it was probably for the best, since it allowed me to get a lot more homework done - which I still didn't finish in time, btw. As I was on campus all day today, I didn't get my CS homework near done until about 6.30, when I realized that Google was giving a talk. So I quickly update my resume (which I just happened to have emailed to myself Wednesday morning), rushed upstairs and turned it in. Just in time for the raffle. And who wins the iPod? The same guy who won the Amazon-raffled iPod last night! Lucky for the rest of us, he declined to accept it. Then the next guy they pulled did the same thing! Despite three chances, Alden still won nothing. Though I did get a nice Google tee-shirt. Yay for walking advertisements!

Ah well, I best be getting ready for bed now. Cherrio!

"I don't know but I've been told,
Deirdre's got a Network Node.
Likes to press the on-off switch,
Dig that crazy Gaian witch!"
     - Spartan Barracks March

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