Monday, August 04, 2003

"What is beautiful is what is always loved."
     - Euripides' Bakkhai

  • Dylan: "Every man is the hero of his own story."
         - Andromeda (3, 10) - Unconquerable Man
  • "I must be cruel only to be kind."
         - Hamlet, Hamlet
  • "Once a man has changed the relationship between himself and his environment, he cannot return to the blissful ignorance he left. Motion, of necessity, involves a change in perspective."
         - Commissioner Pravin Lal, "A Social History of Planet"
  • "I sit in my cubicle, here on the motherworld.
    When I die, they will put my body in a box and

    dispose of it in the cold ground.

    And in all the million ages to come, I will never

    breathe or laugh or twitch again.

    So won't you run and play with me here among the

    teeming mass of humanity?

    The universe has spared us this moment."
         - Anonymous

There, I still love it all.

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