Saturday, April 19, 2003

Well, late night / early morning blogs seem to be my specialty, so here we go...
Today was good. Went to see the apartment that stood us up last Sunday. It was great. About same size and as nice as the one we saw on Sunday, and $300 less a month! Utilities are cheaper too! Hot damn! We'll take it! With any luck we'll win and everyone else will lose.
Tonight was more interesteing, after dinner at Azteca and a few claims of boredom, Julia decided it would be fun to make me a mummy. Two rolls of toilet paper later, there I was, covered in white "linen" with various scriblings on me. Had fun taking pictures of me attacking Lisa, Julia, and Bethany while blind. That was fun. Decided then to build a monument to Jana and Matt, since they were missing. Unfortunately Matt came in right as we were starting, so Jana becamse the sole beneficiary of the monument, not to mention the one addressed in Julia's poem (see her blog, she should have put it up by now).
Well, with four "college" students and a lot of toilet paper, the inevitable happened. We all had a massive orgy. It was great. Would have been better with Jana and Bethany, but hey, I'll take what I can get, no complaints here. But seriously folks, we did have an orgy. <shakes head> <nods head> <shakes head> <nods head> <shakes head> <nods head> <shakes head> <nods head> <shakes head> We ended up throwing all the toilet paper at each other in little balls, which escalated into bigger balls, then smearing of toilet paper in faces, then stuffing it in shirts. Yeah, we're mature adults here; we got pictures to blackmail ourselves should we ever need blackmail pics, considering all our checkered pasts. No, those were pictures of the orgy, not the toilet paper fight. <shakes head> <nods head> <shakes head> <nods head> <shakes head> <nods head> <shakes head>
Then we decided to put ambisol on our lips. Yay lack of sensation! Did you know it makes your lips numb? You should try it. Don't worry, its totally safe. It's made to be put in your mouth you know. Seriously you should try it. When you smear it on your tounge, it's harder to taste things. Dick's fry didn't taste as good as I remember before. Anyhoo, it wore off after a while, the tounge numbness went fairly quickly, but the lips were still blinking off and on in sensual feeling. Oh, I almost forgot. We hit eachother with chopsticks. Lisa was drumming on the floor, decided to get different sounds, and started hitting people. I pointed out that her hitting my had did not make enough noise to be consistant with a drum line. After some experimental hitting on me, Lisa found the forearm a good spot for a louder "slap!" and proceded to slap my forearm with a chopstick. As a welt or two formed, I pointed out that it wasn't painful, and showed Lisa. Yes, I hit a girl. Wanna fight? Yeah, so that escalated, and we all had about a dozen lashes across our forearms when Patrick walked in. After some funny looks, he tried the ambisol. Take that. Yeah, then Jana came in, quite confused by the labeling and directions for her on the floor. She was quite shocked at what the people she calls her friends were doing. Well, that'll show her. It was fun. Yay college!

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