Sunday, October 05, 2003

Well, the first week of school is over, and the next week is about to begin. Some of my classes look promising. Programming languages is going to be hard, as I've learned from the second homework assignment. I don't like recursion being the first thing thrown at me in a new language, then again, LISP doesn't do much else. Math looks good, it's going to be work, but it'll be fun work, I hope (I know that is pretty geeky, but you'll just have to deal with it). Data Structures and Algorithms is lame at the moment, we are currently doing an informal presentation of logic - which is quite frustrating when I'm used to the formal class and it's methods that I got over the summer. Philosophy of Science is not as good as it sounds. Most of the students are members of the Greek system, which isn't exactly well known for producing good philosophical thinkers. We finally had a good discussion yesturday as to the strength of the inductive argument: "Every day in your life has been before tomorrow. Therefore, every day in your life will be before tomorrow. (ie. Therefore you will die tonight)." I thought it was strong because it used every previous observation. While we have reasons for believing it false, these are just added premises, that reduce the strength of the argument. As it stands, I don't see how one could argue with it. My teacher disagreed, but the bell rang before he could put forward a convincing couter-argument. Perhaps next time! I think the classes will be fun, but I'm not sure exactly how much work they will be - hopefully not too much, especially not busy work!

Now for a quote from a man I wouldn't mind shooting:
"Reason is the most naive of all superstitions." - Dr. Simon Pritchett, Atlas Shrugged

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