Wednesday, January 14, 2004

You know, The Daily mentioned a rape charge today. That got me thinking. I really hate how subjective a lot of these types of things are. I mean, without a doctor to confirm that there were no signs of forced entry, and a struggle, which there aren't all the time, there is no good way to confirm that intercourse was forced. But, that past, assume that we can accurately determine what was rape and what was consensual. What would a fitting punishment be? These kids were said they might get six to twelve months in prison. That's hardly detering. A rapeist should have his left testicle removed. Or, baring that, his right. That would certainly teach him a leson. And it would serve as a warning. "Sorry, baby, it's just a little deflated" might work, but I sure hope it wouldn't. I don't know why I would ever suggest such an awful punishment, which would probably be classified as "cruel and unusual," but I guess I'm just that confident that no woman would ever want to deny wanting to have sex with me. Yup. I'm dead sexy.

"Idle hands spend time at the genitals."- Ol' Drippy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force (07, 1, 06) - Ol' Drippy

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