Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Hey... So, upon recommendation of my politically minded roommate, I have taken the "who fits [inside] you best" presidential candidate survey. The results were quite surprising. Apparently each candidate only thinks people need to take responsibility for their actions part of the time. Since I think it's important for people to be responsible all of the time, I got very high ratings with each of the candidates. Here are the specific results:
* Kucinich - 100%
* Kerry - 100%
* Edwards - 99%
* Dean - 95%
* Clark - 89%
* Sharpton - 89%
* Lieberman - 87%
* Bush - 81%
I have to admit, I am quite disturbed. I thought Clark was most awesome. He was an Army Ranger and a General! (And he ain't too shabby lookin' either ) But no.... he has to have not-as good ideas. And to think - the man with the worst smile in the world, damn dean. And then there is Kerry. He could be the next Leno. He's so damn ugly though. Oh well. He did get three purple hearts during his military career. I really wish I could be as irresponsible as normal people and vote for the pretty people. But hey, we can't have Al be our first black president. Oh well, Edwards is pretty attractive, thinks quite a bit like I do, and he announced his candidacy on The Daily Show. How awesome is that?

"But while it was their opportunities that made these men fortunate, it was their own merit that enabled them to recognize these opportunities and turn them to account, to the glory and prosperity of their country." - Machiavelli, The Prince

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