Thursday, June 03, 2004

Well, this was a fun and busy week. That's why I'm posting from school. I like big monitors. Anyhoos, I spent the weekend relaxing a bit before I had to work on two papers, both of which were / are due today. I totally wasted this Sunday. I had something I wanted to implement in one of my programs, but tried (and failed) to develop my own before I realized I could do it in a dozen lines with some built-in classes.

The math paper was fun. Thanks to two four-hour-starting-at-midnight stints the weekend prior, I had a good draft for it. I wasn't too worried about it. Little did I know that the conversion into LaTeX would be awful and painstakingly long. I think I spent just as long converting it as I did writing it. But at least it looks pretty! You can see it here I don't think it requires more mathematical background than any of you have (though I may be wrong). But it will probably require some concentration. It can be really confusing. If you don't want to think about the logic of the argument, I guess, well, that's all there is. You could just take on faith that the derivations are accurate. I assure you, I would not make a mistake about such things.

Philosophy paper was more interesting. So far I've only worked on it at school, between / before classes the day it was due. Quite successful, if you ask me.

So, that's all well and good, but what more has happened than my papers, you ask? Not much, I suppose. I think I have been and am still giving myself shin splints. My shins and the surounding muscle were quite sore at work the other day. Perhaps I should avoid walking so quickly. I guess I'm just impatient. I shouldn't be so impatient. My new MP3 player has mad travel much more endurable. Oh, and yesterday, I was watching Lisa work on her charcol drawing, and she decided to put me in it! Yay! I am imortalized!

This weekend I must study study study. I have a final at 8.30 (yuk) Monday morning, and another one late Tuesday afternoon. Hopefully then, I'll be able to relax a bit before starting work full time. Yes, I will be working full time this summer. Blech. I wish I could take some time off. I have the whole rest of my life to work! Sadly, I don't think it'll happen. But next week should be fun. I aim to borrow a video projector from the university and so watch many a movie. Oh, and there's going to be a math-class party my professor is hosting. Heh, that sounds really lame to most of you, I'm sure. It even sounds kinda lame to myself. But, that doesn't mean I don't want to go, mind you. After all, I like a lot of lame and cheesy things. Oh well, I guess I'm just a lame guy. But, as my friends, I'm sure you all already know that, and, by virtue of being my friends, don't care. Or, if you do, you're trying to "fix" me. Please don't. I like my testicles. They've been good to me (most of the time).

<will insert quote here when posting from home>

"Reason is the most naive of all superstitions." - Dr. Pritchett [sic] (p. 214, Atlas Shrugged)

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