Monday, November 08, 2004

So, I went over to Zach's tonight to watch The Sopranos, and what does he do? After only one episode he decides that now the three of us (Nick, Zach and myself) need to do something! Can you believe it? The nerve of that guy. Here I am, sitting there, being all not-doing-anything like, and he has to go and ruin it. Oh well. Anyway, we went downtown to watch The Incredibles. It was a pretty cool movie. I could have standed to see some more original super powers than those of Marvel's oldest heros (the Fantastic Four) though they did have Quicksilver and Iceman knockoffs as well. Then again, there are only so many powers to go around, I suppose. Anyway, it was a fun film. I like how everyone sued all the superheros - there seem to be just enough jackasses in the world to ruin it for the rest of us like that. In response to Chad's comment about the real lives of superheros, I think most superheroes are about the people and not the deeds. It's more about getting to know them. When all they're doing is fighting, sure there is some banter, but we only really get to know them in their down time. This stems from my observations about Exiles. For those of you who don't know, the comic is about a bunch of mutants (Marvel X-Men) who jump around correcting realities. Anyway, there isn't a bunch of down time, what with them constantly being whisked away, but there have been a few issues devoted solely to a character's personal connections (usually in the past). It is these issues which seem to really develop the character and make the reader (well, me at least) care a lot more about whether that one lives or dies. Sure there are still some I still don't care about, but it does make a big difference. Moral of the story, get to know your super-friends. (Stupid DC, awful name for a comic.)

"It seems limp and slack to get whith the sweating of your brow what you can gain with the shedding of your blood." - Tacitus

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