Friday, November 05, 2004

Well, not that the post-election hype has died down, perhaps I should say something about it. First of all, I must say that I'm glad we had one of the biggest turnouts in history. Secondly, I must say I'm disappointed in my peers - our numbers failed to increase (unless I'm wrong, in which case I appolgize, but that's what I've heard). You failed P. Diddy! How many of us didn't vote? and did we die? Nooooo! Well, it was certainly intersting. On the first I spent several hours being chastised by my brother Jonathan for voting Kerry. Apparently, after our discussion closed, he commented to my parents about how at least some smart people were supporting Kerry. Hehe. I think I really threw him for a loop. Anyhoo, for those of you questioning my choice as the lesser of two evils, here's a breif explanation of my political views:

  1. I don't like universal health care. I'm very greatful that we are one of the last nations who hasn't gotten uber-socialist in this respect. I think they're in efficient, and reward slacking-off, as do most socialist policies. Take that Zach. I know that Kerry was more for this than Bush, but like I said, lesser of two evils.

  2. I am disappointed with the current administration's energy polcies, but I don't think either of them really know what they're talking about. Hydrogen is a energy store, not an energy source. Go Nuclear! We can even turn waste into glass now!

  3. Current environmental policies are lame.

  4. FUCK THE FUCKING USA-FUCKING-PATRIOT ACT! This was the most influential issue for me. I won't stand for any curtailing of my liberties, there is no excuse for giving up liberty - unless it is a fully informed decision made for every individual case seperately. Such as my forgoing a lawyer if I'm guilty and wish to plead my own case. That doesn't mean by defaul I don't get a lawyer next time, I still have to forego it. They claim that all it does is let agencies talk to eachother. Well, I gots nus fur u! There was a reason they couldn't talk to eachother in the first place! It wasn't an accident. It was done to avoid stupid shit. In Britain, there are street cameras everywhere. Everyone is being watched all the fucking-time. And you know what they're used for? Enforcing traffic-violations! Oh, I feel safer now. No agency can watch all the footage from all the tapes and look for "suspicious" activity. Not to mention the fact that it's been used to enforce alleged copyright violations. BTW, the primary tenant of the act is to not let you know you're being watched / under investigation. So they can do whatever to you and you aren't even allowed due process. The Slashdot crowd has some intersting comments. I especially like the note that Bush was proud of using it to catch drug trafficking. Anyhoo, enough ranting about that.

So, yeah. The Patriot Act was my main complaint.

"Let it here be noted that men are either to be kindly treated, or utterly crushed, since they can revenge lighter injuries, but not graver." - Nichollo Machiavelli, The Prince

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