Friday, November 12, 2004

Yay for the veterns. I'm sorry to the ones who died, but I appreciate it. In their honor, there were no classes yesturday. People did still go to work though. It didn't make much of a difference for me, since I only have once class on Thrusdays, and that's at three-thirty. I ususally have cs homework I need to be in the lab to do, so I usually get there around one or so, do work, go to class, the finish work and head home around seven. Well, yesturday was different. I'm used to having stupid problems in that class, but this last time was a bit extreme. I spent an hour and a half trying to figure out why my circuit wouldn't work, to find out that there was a runtime warning (which was difficult to actually see in the output, it was quite well hidden) involving my naming a wire. So if I deleted the name, or changed it slightly, it worked. Then I spent four to six hours trying to figure out why the simulator program (which is a commercial tool provided to us) wouldn't let me change one input without changing another. So I had to program around that little bug, and write an explanation for my TA. Strangely enough though, when I finally did leave after my ten+ hours in the lab, I didn't feel that upset about it. It helped a lot that it was a perfect night on my walk back. (Hum, leave midday, return midnight....) For those of you who don't know how perfect Seattle nights can get: it was slightly cold, but a sweeter was still good enough; foggy, but didn't limit sight; no wind; and best of all, it was quiet, and there weren't a bunch of people around. There were still a few - I felt a bit awkward walking through a park when homeless people are camping out there. But other than that, it was really nice. That made me happy. I've been meaning to enjoy these evening walks a bit more. I'm glad I finally got to. Even if it did mean that I got back late and had to stay up until 2 doing laundry which didn't dry until morning....

Even if their dying didn't win me a true day off, I salute you.

"Shoot it! With the gun! Thats what the bullets are for you twit!" - Major Mandrake, Dr. Strangelove

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