Tuesday, February 22, 2005

And I thought Laura and Julia killed my tag-board. Glad to see it's not so.

Ben: But if our government were anarchic, all the cabinet members would argue with each other, then be replaced by a capital A.
Nick: Thus, if the ends are the (most) important, socialism is better as it is more reactive to the betterment of those ends.
Nick: Whereas Ayn Rand herself admitted that the imperative of her system is moral (or ethical if you prefer)
Nick: Socialism is entirely consequence oriented, as it takes big cues from utilitarianism.
Nick: Finally, in terms of real consequences, I fail to see how libertarian capitalism is superior to socialism.
Nick: Sorry to make this so long, one more bit...
Nick: This is to say nothing of early major infrastructure works funded by govt., such as the cumberland road and the erie canal.
Nick: Finally, the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio rivers are easily navigable ONLY because the government funded the lock and dam system.
Nick: But it turned out to be more useful for shipping companies, oil companies, and the tourism industry in the event.
Nick: Almost forgot, the interstate system only exists because the government decided it should be built for national security...
Nick: Anarchy as a political movement was actually a reaction to the policies of 19th century govts. that strongly favored the rich.
Nick: I don't think most capitalists would like anarchy much. Too many poor people beating them up and taking their stuff.
Nick: The government is taking money for services rendered? I don't use 99% of the roads my taxes pay for.
Nick: Railroads exist largely because of government land grants to the railroads. The West would be pretty wild without a little socialism for the rich.
Nick: Toll roads would not nearly pay for road maintenance and construction. Think about all the small streets and roads.
Laura: granted ;)
Julia: anarchy would be so much cooler... :)
Laura: Oh, wait. That's the idea (note: I said IDEA) behind American government. And here I though I was being all original finding a plausible middle ground.....
Laura: Or maybe a government that has two sides to it, each leaning in one of these directions, opposing the other, but striving to find a balance?
Julia: there is one clear solution to this problem - anarchy

"Ahhh! My eyes! I need those to see!" - Rodney McKay Stargate Atlantis (1, 16) - The Brotherhood

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