Monday, February 07, 2005

Nick: by alive I don't simply mean having vital signs.
Nick: oh, looking back through the log, Alden, I agree, life is more than being a vegtable or a host for tubeworms
Nick: finally, for now, if a right to life is not a guarantee to not have one's life needlessly ended, why shouldn't I be able to kill anyone I am able to and want to?
Nick: there is no ethical difference between killing a man through one's actions and killing a man through inaction when one has the capacity to act.
Nick: anyway, back to the primary subject.
Nick: and how are work and trade "necessarily related"? I see a rather important difference, work depending only on the individual, trade depending on a group of people
Nick: i.e., a death preventable by an action of another person?
Nick: furthermore, if it is a violation of the right to live to be killed, isn't it also a violation to die unnecessarily?
Nick: On the right to life, if noone guarantees your right to live, or at least not to have it ended, it isn't much of right.
Nick: Wait, wait. The basic thing that people do is work and trade? They don't eat, reproduce, grow and learn? And those are not more basic then "trade"?
Chad: Thus to speak of a 'right to life' as meaning 'a guarantee of life' is erroneous, since nothing guarantees you life, no matter how hard you wish it does.
Chad: Remember the meaning of a right: it's a condition that must be obeyed to allow you to further your own life; a right is not a guarantee to something
Chad: Well, the basic "thing" that people do is work and trade, so the two are necessarily related and essentially equivalent
Chad: Politics is the study of the initiation of force: it says when you can make people do what.
Chad: You can't enslave people to those around them simply because they're capable of being enslaved to them.
Chad: As alden said, not causing something not to happen is NOT the same as causing it to happen.
Chad: Property is a prerequisite of human life, because without a foot of land to live on or an apple in your hand to eat, life is impossible.
Ben: There's a joke somewhere in talking about feeding off other people and Nick's repeated use of the capitalized "ALIVE," but I'm too lazy to put it together into something coherent.

Professor Farnsworth: "Astonishing! I must have created a parallel universe!"
Parallel Farnsworth: "Baldercrap! I created your universe! All you created was my fist paralell to your face!"
- Futurama (5, 10) - The Farnsworth Paradox

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