Thursday, February 24, 2005

Since I haven't had a real post here lately, you've all probably assumed I've been either dead or busy. We'll, you're half-right. But I'll be damned if I tell you which half.

My database class as been really cool. We've been developing an online store. It's pretty cool. Unfortunately, one of my two partners has been sick, and therefore MIA for the past two weeks. This has lead to great frustration, especially when dealing with his part of the work.

My machine organization / assembly language class has been interesting, though not as cool. We've been designing a processor for a subset of the MIPS instruction set. It's quite interesting, but more frustrating than anything else. Last night I spent five hours stepping through several thousand lines of hex code to try to figure out why part of the processor worked and the rest didn't. I still don't have an answer. Man, I love the higher-level (and non-java) languages.

Anyway, those two projects, both for being big projects, and for having partners who don't seem to be as familiar or understanding of the material as I am. Don't get me wrong, Valentina (database, and the non-sick partner) has been quite helpful - on homework and that project - but it's difficult when another major partner doesn't reply to your emails or anything. Those two have been keeping me busy for most days. When it's not that, it's work. There's been a lot on the table at work lately, I feel bad for not being able to work all the time, and for not working more than I do. Well, I'll be quitting at the end of the summer. This is the last quarter I can not take classes so I can schedule work time. I hope I'm making the right choice about this - but, if I thought I weren't I wouldn't be making it, would I?

I'll post more later (as I always say) but now my brief break is over.

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