Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Thayer attacks! Despite his very busy schedule, Thayer decided to take some time off and lay the smack-down on your asses!
Chris: The right to life is not the right to "live" as a parasite on an unwilling host, it is the right to LIVE WITHOUT BEING FORCED TO HOST SUCH A PARASITE.
Chris: but as soon as you FORCE individuals to sacrifice their time/money you are violating their lives by forcing them to adopt your beliefs.
Chris: Those people who are born in to difficult circumstances have the right to live within their ability and others have the right to help them
Chris: except perhaps feasability...
Chris: In a captitalist society, individuals are free to choose what is good for themselves and THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST BELIEVERS FROM ATTEMPTING TO CREATE THEIR OWN GROUPS.
Chris: An individual can't properly survive in such a society because his life is now held back by the needs of others.
Chris: In a communist/socialist society, people are forced to become part of this collective, and so what is "good" for each individual is decided by the whim of whoever decides the next "right".
Chris: What is good for one person is not necessarily what is good for another.
Chris: So, blanket statements about the survival and happiness of humanity are rediculous. Individual people have individual values.
Chris: People are obviously different...heck...we're proving that right now with this argument; we have different ideas of right and wrong.
Chris: The major issue here is whether or not you regard people as parts of a mass entity or as individuals.
"That's more than crazy, bud, that's super crazy plus." - Aiakos, Aristophanes' The Frogs
Chris: The right to life is not the right to "live" as a parasite on an unwilling host, it is the right to LIVE WITHOUT BEING FORCED TO HOST SUCH A PARASITE.
Chris: but as soon as you FORCE individuals to sacrifice their time/money you are violating their lives by forcing them to adopt your beliefs.
Chris: Those people who are born in to difficult circumstances have the right to live within their ability and others have the right to help them
Chris: except perhaps feasability...
Chris: In a captitalist society, individuals are free to choose what is good for themselves and THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST BELIEVERS FROM ATTEMPTING TO CREATE THEIR OWN GROUPS.
Chris: An individual can't properly survive in such a society because his life is now held back by the needs of others.
Chris: In a communist/socialist society, people are forced to become part of this collective, and so what is "good" for each individual is decided by the whim of whoever decides the next "right".
Chris: What is good for one person is not necessarily what is good for another.
Chris: So, blanket statements about the survival and happiness of humanity are rediculous. Individual people have individual values.
Chris: People are obviously different...heck...we're proving that right now with this argument; we have different ideas of right and wrong.
Chris: The major issue here is whether or not you regard people as parts of a mass entity or as individuals.
"That's more than crazy, bud, that's super crazy plus." - Aiakos, Aristophanes' The Frogs
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