Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The wonders of the internet

Apparently there is actually non-shitty fan-fic out there. I know! It's a real shock. I didn't know it was possible for these people who just read/watch/sell their soul to the media in a franchise could be creative enough to bull-shit their "original" ideas across someone else's masterpiece and not come out with the stench of a gas-station men's room. Some Star Wars fans have apparently created Star Wars - Revelations. It's about some Seers who betray the Jedi to the Empire and get them all fucked up the ass by Palpentine himself. You can download the 40-minute movie here. As is to be expected, the acting sucks (and if I notice bad acting, it must really reek), The CG is actually really good though, as is the music and soundtrack. They actually had a boom mic, so the audio is good quality. There is one long scene in a cave, where the lighting is really poor so it's hard to see, but other than that the visuals were pretty good. Scene changes were done nicely, very similar to the offical ones, and were appropriate - no fading out on someone's boots here. I am quite impressed, check it out if you get a chance. (You can find the bit-torrent download here it should be much faster.)

On an unrelated note, I saw the coolest press-release ever on Monday. It's from Hitaci, and about there new prependicular recording technology. The basic idea is on a hard drive, bits are stored via the magnetic alignment of a horizontal magnetic region on the platter. With perpendicular recording, the magnetic regions are arranged vertically, allowing them to be much closer without interfering with eachother. Anyway, the press release is cool - it has a little anthropomorphised bit (in the style of School-House Rock) who is so excited about standing up after laying down all these years, that he and his bit-friends dance to disco. It's really funny, you guys should check it out.

Egods! - Chad

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