Saturday, May 21, 2005


So, apparently this happens every year, and I'm just now able to notice and appreciate it. ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) hosted a barbeque today on the lawn below drumheller. It wasn't for just CS people either. All were welcome. Anyway, that made the lines long, but they still had enough food for everyone. They had this inflatible bouncy thing with a post in the middle, and two basketball hoops on the other end. Apparently you're supposed to get two people to strap themselves to a rope in the middle then try to make a basket. This proved quite popular - besides the dunk tank of course. But by far the most interesting part was the fact that they had a keg. On campus. UW is supposed to be a dry campus, so it's quite surprising when a student-organization is allowed to not only serve alcohol on campus, but have a keg too. So, the whole thing being free, even the beer, I took advantage of the situation and tried some. It was Fat Tire, which, much to my surprise, I didn't hate. In fact, I kinda liked it. Weird. Still weird to have them serve beer on campus. And to think everyone was making such a big deal about the seniors maybe having a beer garden. Heh, I guess if there's any department they're going to trust it's the CS department. I still would have thought that we'd draw a larger crowd. We were out in the open and it was open to all. Either way, we did finish off the keg, much to Ben's disappointement. Fun times. I even got to hang out with people I know (mostly Dan and Steve). A toast, to university-exceptions!

"Though the local rum made my head spin, the lovely women pressed more and more upon me. Their dance, their skin, their flowery perfume all combined to engorge my loins. Oh, yes... many virgins were sacrificed that night. On the altar of my pelvis." - Beck Bristow, Sea Lab 2021

PS No, I didn't get tipsy or drunk or anything. I even proved it by catching and throwing a frisbee quite well.

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