Monday, May 16, 2005

Nailed Catholics

I woke up this morning really wanting to quickly record my awesome dream. I wanted to so much, that I went back to sleep, and dreamed of writing about it. Twice. As a consequence of not being able to transfer this file which I typed up in my dream onto my hard drive, what I've got is a bit lacking, but here goes: Gargoyles, Fantastic Four, and Colm Meaney. Basically, the Fantastic Four got captured, gassed in some pit, and passed out while Thing got coroaded. Goliath and a bunch of the gargoyles tried to free them from this large castle, and got lost doing so. When they finally got to them, and tried to get out, they ran into Colm Meaney. We were all quite surprised to find this mob guy was behind all this. I know where the Fantastic Four came from, I just read a series where they were captured, but played no part in the plot whatsoever (kinda weird, really). Gargoyles are always around. But Colm Meaney? I mean, yeah, he was in two Star Trek series (one as a regualar), and a Stargate series (as a reoccuring bad-guy), but I think it was from the previews I saw last night of him as a mobster in Layer Cake, which looks like it could be good, but not as good as Snatch or Lock Stock. Incidently, the last two people I've looked up on IMDB (Colm Meaney and Liam Neeson) were both in a movie called "Nailed" in which Neeson played "Young Catholic." I'm not sure I want to know any more about this movie.

I saw Kingdom of Heaven last night. It was enjoyable. The action sequences were good, and I appreciated they guy who did the right thing instead of "a little evil for a greater good" still coming out ahead in the end. I also appreciated having the central male lead not being completely infatuated with his love interest and sacrificing his kingdom and integrity for her. It was kinda weird seeing Alexander Siddig (Julian Bashir on Deep Space Nine) as a bearded Muslim Commander. Though, as his name is also (cited as) Siddig El Fadil, he was born in the Middle East. Anyway, I recommend Kingdom of Heaven for what it is - well-done and enjoyable, but unthinking entertainment.

"I... I.. don't know exactly how to put this sir; but are you aware what a serious breach of security that would be? I mean, he'd see everything! He'd see the big board!" - General Buck Turgenson, Dr. Strangelove

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