Monday, May 16, 2005

Update of Current Pursuit

Philosophy got out a bit early today, and Melissa and I hung out for the next hour or so until my next class. It was enjoyable. It's nice to have someone new with whom I can have a conversation. Though I am rather hesitant. I don't know if I should be expected to fall head-over-heels in love with that person who'll be "the one," but I know this isn't falling like that. Isn't head-over-heels supposed to be rather immediate? I suppose it is not always, and can be gradual as well. Perhaps I'm trying to expect too much too soon - this would not be surprising.
Anyway, Melissa's going into social work. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't like alturism - helping others besides yourself is moral and helping yourself isn't. But I'm not sure it's that large an extreme in her case. We chatted today, and she said that she really enjoys helping these people make up for mistakes and realize their potential. This is certainly valid. She's not acting out of a perceived obligation, a good first step. I suppose I'm concerned it may be taken too far, such that she sacrifices herself for this. After talking with Morgan for a bit on this, he pointed out that it is more important to share your "sense of life" (your emotional evaluation about life and it's purpose) with your significant other. I give some credence to this, but I think the views and knowledge you accept in virtue of this sense of life is just as important. The best course of action at this point would appear to be to continue gaining information, while being aware of these shortcomings (if they truly are shorcomings). Heh, what a general-purpose answer.
We talked a bit about her moral skepticism. But she listened to and understood my arguments against such a position, so I'm not ruling that against her just yet. She may yet be turned.
She's also going to move to New York in August. That leaves precious little time.
She also smokes. Which is a rather disguesting habit. Besides, it's already stained her teeth. I can only imagine how much worse it could get.

If any of you have advice, I'm more than willing to hear it.

Scientist: "I don't think that such a motor should ever be made.... It would be so superior to anything we've got that it would be unfair to lesser scientists, because it would leave no field for their achievements and abilities. I don't think that the strong should have the right to wound the self-esteem of the weak."
< Dagney Taggart ordered him out of her office, and sat in incredulous horror before the fact that the most vicious statement she had ever heard had been uttered in a tone of moral righteousness. >
- Atlas Shrugged (330)

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