Friday, July 01, 2005


Monday I saw Bruce Campbell. He was at the old local movie theater for the first (of three) showings of his new movie, in which he wrote, directed, and stared, Man with the Screaming Brain. He gave a little talk beforehand, and answered a bunch of questions. He then signed his new book for three hours, going a bit late. I've been really excited about seeing him for a while. Unfortunately, he would only sign for people who bought his book. And I was unwilling to spend the twenty-five dollars to get his signature on my already-purchased Army of Darkness DVD. I had hoped that I could at least see him at the end, so I bought a ticket for his movie (which was a full twelve dollars, I might add), and waited. I sat in the theater for three hours. It wasn't too bad, I had Fountainhead with me, so I enjoyed the time. It forced me to read it without getting horribly distracted every five minutes. Anyway, once everyone was in line I decided to hop on the end and just meet him him - shake his hand and all that. But they wouldn't allow it. If only one of my friends had come, and was getting a signature I would have been able to follow them in. Anyway, he answered some more questions before the movie (I found out the language barrier in Bulgaria destroyed someone's prize vespa), and was quite amusing. I'm glad I saw the movie. Especially since there are only going to be three theater showings of it. Ever.

"Alack, I have no eyes" - Gloucester, Shakespeare's King Lear

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