Friday, July 01, 2005

I finally feel like posting

I think this month has to be the most uncontrolled I've ever been. I've spent so much money. First I went to Best Buy and bought a bunch of dvds - all on sale of course. Then Deep Discount Dvd, one of my favorite places to buy dvds, had their 20% off sale. So of course I had to buy the TV shows I'd been putting off for a while. Then, needing new clothes, I went shopping this last Sunday, spend another two-hundred there. New comic series came out, had the Bruce Campbell movie and Batman showings, plus food while waiting around for them. Then yesterday I went back to Best Buy and bought even more things - Primer came out on DVD. How could I resist that? I loved that movie when it came out. Oy. I'm so over-budget. I'm hoping that some overtime from work will make up for it.

My boss got rear-ended today; a week after his wife got into an accident and right before he was going to sell his car. He didn't feel too good after that.

I've been listening to lots of new music lately, when I'm finished I'll post the new additions.

I'm not sure I like the new TV Tome. It takes a really long time for me to get to the only feature I used on the old one - the full season episode listings. On the other hand, the interface is pretty clean (though load times are a lot longer than before), and the favorite shows feature is handy for me getting to the ones I view regularly. If you guys sign up you can see me as my normal "theimplord". When I get the time, I'll rate all the shows in a manner indicative of how many I have of them. Then you'll be able to make requests.

I'm sure you've all heard that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of MGM in MGM v. Grokster. Apparently they can't advertise their products to encourage infringement, but they can still make them. Seems like P2P is the new bong (Technology Review).
Even fewer of you, I'm sure, have learned of the much more influential ruling made by the Supreme Court. The government can now sieze anyone's private property and give it to another individual. I'm shocked and appalled. Just because they will be able to get higher tax revenus, cities across our nation will be siezing homes left and right to put up malls. Now we'll actually have to join Arthur Dent and stand in front of these bulldozers in front of our houses. I'm not sure, though, how I feel about this. It's certainly a good way to make a point, and the museum seems pretty cool, but it's still doing something they should, even if it is now legal. The Supreme Court ruling was 5-4. So one of the liberty organizations is trying to build a hotel on the land of one of these Justices who voted for the seizure. The hotel will have a museum about the loss of Freedoms in America. Instead of the standard Gideon bible in all the rooms, they're putting a copy of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. What a great book of freedom, huh?
And now Sandra Day O'Connor will be retiring from The Bench. Agh! She's been more reasonable than the others. She held the dissenting oppion on this case. Oh well, at least Rehnquis will still be around. Until his heart fails. Ugh. Can Bush appoint a good Justice? Can he appoint two? I'm scared.

"Hie thee to a nunnery!" - Hamlet, Shapeskeare's Hamlet

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