Friday, July 15, 2005


Ugh. You know how I said I was in a good mood? I changed my mind. I just finished watching What the Bleep do we Know?. I'm so glad I didn't rent it. These people so do not deserve my money. Or anyone's money. In fact, I'm quite offended that it did well enough to even get a wide release. The whole thing was a crock. I'll admit, I was a little skeptical to begin with, so I did have a critical eye. But no amount of rose tint could help this steaming pile of dog shit. The whole thing was a non-sequitur. And not in the good way like the comic. They started off "arguing" that people don't and can't know anything at all. The whole time they just made random assertions. They didn't even try to make even a poor argument. I get no respect. It suppose it the second part of th beginning wasn't too bad, I guess, at least they talked about quantum physics. They misinterpreted a lot of quantum physics. Their conclusion that an outside observer defined reality because an observer was required to collapse quantum waves was acceptable. And by that I mean I understand how they could have made this mistake. I don't think it's right that this observer must be a consciousness. As far as I know, it just requires interaction with something else, like a photon. And the whole point is, it doesn't need to collapse. They also claimed that we could look at macroscopic objects which were in a state of quantum superposition, being in two places at once. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for quantum superposition, but... um... if you could observe it directly, it would collapse into a single state. No way in hell you could "take a photograph of it". Maybe that was just because the main character was a photographer. I guess having a bunch of professors (not even all of them were physicists) isn't exciting enough. They needed to have a main character so they could include the drama of unfaithful relationships. There was, however, one thing I liked. I especially liked how they didn't give any credentials for any of their people until during the credits. That way no one would know that one of their main guys works here (Though I really didn't appreciate how they filmed him on my campus. What a little bitch. None of their people were from the commercial sector, though most had written books. One was a 57 year old grad student, another was a mystic ("we are god!" she says). And none of them were from any universities I've heard of. It's disgusting. Not that people can say this, because they have a right to spout whatever shit they wish. It's disgusting that they do say it. But even more so that people listen. Prominent Hollywood people (I only saw Ellen and Drew Barymore referenced before I couldn't look anymore) promoted this shit.

Okay, I'm going to try to go to bed now and not be pissed off too much.

Maybe a Rand quote will make this post not completely defile my sense of self on the web:
"[Dagney Taggart] ordered him out of her office, and sat in incredulous horror before the fact that the most vicious statement she had ever heard had been uttered in a tone of moral righteousness." (Atlas Shrugged p. 330)
There, that seems to fit.
Now, here's the correct statement:
"He knew that man must live by his own rational perception of reality, that he cannot act against it or escape it or find a substitute for it -- and that there is no other way for him to live." (Atlas Shrugged p. 557)

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