Thursday, August 25, 2005

Laura's Back!

Wow. Work's picking up. And I'm slowing down. Laura came back and I've stayed up late the past few nights as a consequences. Well, last night it was because the power went out as I was taking a shower. The night before I stayed up with Julia and Laura talking for way too long. I was so wasted today at work. I almost left early because I was so exhausted, but we need to get so much done that everything I do is needed, so.... I'm so glad she's back. Yay! I missed her.

I finally finished Fountainhead. And boy was it awesome. Roark is so freakin' cool. Dominique not so much. I did really love how she bought the most awesome statue then broke it so no one else could ever see it and enjoy it. But she never did anything else. She just loved the hero. I don't see how destroying that which you love means anything good. She did, and it was only at the end, when she stopped doing this, that Roark accepted her. Now Dagny. There's an awesome woman.

I've been reading Supreme Power. It's been really cool so far. It's a retelling of the Marvel team "Squadron Supreme." Which is based off the characters in DC Comics' Justice League. There was a Squadron Supreme miniseries in the nineties, which I haven't read, but this seems much more interesting. The story of Hyperion (based on Superman) is much more realistic. While he, like Superman is found by a couple when his ship crashes in a small country town, he's immediately snatched up by the military. The government raises him in total isolation to indoctrinate him as the American Ideal. Eighteen years later they're using him in military black-ops before he's ousted by a reporter. It's pretty awesome so far.

The baby birds outside our window at work started trying to fly today. They were running around hopping and flapping their wings. It was so cute. At the end of the day there were only two instead of three. Either the other one was hiding, or he tried to fly too soon. My, they grow up fast. I can't wait to see them get better. Got to see Mom come back and throw up for the remaining two. It came out in one big piece that one took all for himself.

"Miss Taggart says - quote - I expect to make a pile of money on the John Galt Line. I will have earned it. Close quote." - Dagny Taggart, Atlas Shrugged (220)

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