Thursday, September 08, 2005


Wow, it's been so stressful lately. I would've blogged more, but I've been trying to keep busy. Work's been hectic. Everything will be going fine, there won't be any problems, then suddenly BAM! The shit hits the fan and we have a million bugs to fix. It'll be passive and just trying to find issues, and not finding anything, then I'm so busy I go crazy. We had an article published about us a few days ago (though we're not sure exactly when).

This weekend I made a windowing system for in-browser sites. It has pretty easy markup, though there are still a few things I had to hack that dirty it up a bit. The code isn't as clean as I'd like it to be, I talked to one of my coworkers who made some suggestions, so hopefully I'll make it work in more than just Firefox. If any of you want to see it, I can show you what it is right now, but I really want to make it better.

So, yeah. Apparently the Battlestar Galactica DVDs I bought earlier are all completely obsolete. The US version of the first season has all the commentary that I wanted and the miniseries. Damn it. I bought the UK version and the Miniseries, and now the US version has all the extras. And if ever there was a show in which I cared about the extras, this was it. Frakin' A...

At least UCB aired Asssscat tonight. That was much appreciated. It was a pretty good one too. Lots better monologues than that stupid black guy from SNL. They were shorter and more entertaining and still provided good material. See? That's how it's done. I was amazed at how much better the UCB people did than anyone else in the improv. They just know eachother so well that they can play off better than any mere mortal. And it really, really shows. I love them.

I was about to order parts for my new computer and then the prices went up. Sigh. I'll wait for next week and hope they go down. I'll post specs and benchmarks up here as I order it and get everything assembled. Because I'm sure all of you care. Just know that whatever I get, it won't be as good as this. I still don't know if that's real or a hoax. It seems realistic enough that it could be, but it does sound too good to be true. Well, we'll see what the Consumer Electronics Show says next year.


Younger Archmage: "You mean we came all this way, and I can't even take it in with me? What am I supposed to do? Eat it?"
Older Archmage: "You are learning."
-Gargoyles - Avalon

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