Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I Hate Java

So, I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but Java, the programming language, I hate it. C# is a million times better. It does everything Java does, but it's not a little whiny bitch about it. For one, in C# everything's an object. That means in C# you can use any data-type into a collection (like a list or a queue). In Java it means you can't. You have to arduously copy them to wrapper types. For things like ints, it's not a big deal to just have one value wrapped, but for arrays, it's a pain in the ass. It makes your code contain blocks like this:
ArrayList fuckingObject = new ArrayList(newAdj.length);
for (int fuckMe = 0; fuckMe < newAdj.length; fuckMe++)

Makes me want to rip someone's spine out. Java is like that little kid who offers you a cookie, but then hides tobasco sauce inside it and drinks the last of the milk just as you take a bite. Worst thing in the history of Java though, is J++. Somehow Microsoft imagined it would be a good idea to jump on the Java bandwagon and implement the language improperly, never provide support for the thing, and create a language that tried to be as good as the original rat dropping. Fortunately, C# came next totally raped J++ into oblivion. Unfortunately, Java still remains. Hopefully that won't last long either. (For those of you wondering about Javascript: Javascript is one of my favorite languages, and has nothing to do with Java.)

<Kicks a midget>

Okay, I'm feeling better now.

Yay! Brandi came in this weekend. Jo and Brandi took a lot of pictures. Twas a good time, though it would have been better if Brandi stayed longer. Why can't people visit forever??? Oh yeah, 'cause they have to come out here first. No, I'm not bitter towards any of you Simians.

"If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution." - Robert Sewell
"Take a cup of coffee and add three drops of poison and what have you got? Microsoft J++." - Scott McNealy

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