Friday, October 28, 2005


You know how your parents always talk about how fun dating is? About how it was so great just meeting new people and doing things with them? Well, they're lying. Dating is lame. Awesome people are awesome (needed some deep reasoning skills there). And hanging out with them is great. The problem is finding these people. There aren't a lot out there, and most of them don't go looking for me. Anyway, to bring everyone up to speed:
I'm taking a comic-book class with Laura this quarter. There were two cute girls in the class. Where Laura always sat (as she got there before me) the fluorescent light flickering annoyed me. We moved next to the cute girls. One started sitting behind me, the other next to me. I started talking to the one next to me. We were going to have coffee on Tuesday, but her coworker skipped town so she had to take her place, after closing down for ten minutes to run and tell me, and reschedule. I thought that was a good sign. I get there today on time (a tad early too), and there's this other guy with her. She introduces us and says he was keeping her company - he skeddadles right away. I note it, but no biggie. We talk, she mentions an art thing she's going to tonight with this artist she has a crush on. What? I guess that clarifies things, though it confuses me as to earlier actions to quickly reschedule. I mean, on Tuesday she could have just not shown up and appologized and explained in class. But to close shop to come see me and reschedule before I even had a chance to suggest it? Women. And she didn't even talk much. I ended up talking most of the time - which I hate. I'm a listener. I know most people feel better, happier, and more comfortable when they're blathering on about whatever, but I don't. In debate I love talking, but not in normal conversation. Please, tell me about yourself. Well, I guess I found out enough; looks like this may be for the best because she doesn't seem my type. She is very artsy. Don't get me wrong, I like art. It can be most awesome. Artists can be great. But, she was just so... artsy - as in not a lick of math or science in her. Don't get me wrong, I have friends who aren't big on math and science, but they still understand it a bit. I can talk to them about technical things without them raising their hand and asking a totally unrelated suggestion or making a joke which doesn't really apply. I curse my impuse (and followthrough on <sight>) to try to laugh. She seemed cool, but I need someone I can talk to. Someone who knows what I'm doing with my life as a Computer... whatever. Don't get me wrong, she seemed interesting - just not what I want need now.

"Don't leave home without your sword - your intellect." - Alan Moore

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