Sunday, January 15, 2006


Dumas almost gor me in trouble on Friday. I had a big homework assignment I was going to do between classes - I didn't know it was as big as it turned out to be. I had a question for him after class, and we ended up talking for the next hour. So I had two hours to do this assigment which a few guys had apparently spent five hours on the night before and still not finished. Naturely, I'm better than that, but still, I was cutting it close. I finally sat down to do it and realized I didn't really know what to do. Dang. After talking to some people in the labs, I was able to figure it out and turn it in on time, but I shall avoid such folly in the future.

Every time I talk to Dumas I love him more and more. I want to have his babies. Or his babies' babies. He's kinda old. Unfortunately, his daughter is only twelve or thirteen at the moment. Oh well. Jo says in ten years I'll be golden. Anyway, if I can grow old and be half the man Dumas is I'll have an awesome life.

PS According to Sam, Dumas has his children in his will on the condition that they get a PhD. Doesn't matter in what, just that they get it. Awesome.

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