Friday, February 03, 2006
You all love torture!
So, I'm sure I've raved to all of you recently, but just in case I haven't, Boston Legal kicks so much ass I want to explode. Its constantly funny, and the acting, especially by William Shatner is superb. I know, I know, there are lots of Shatner acting jokes. But he does a really good job in this. I started watching this second season, which has a very different cast from how it started out in the first season (which I'm watching now). First season started out kinda lame, it was trying to be a drama and all serious. But Allan Shore just wouldn't have it. After the first few episodes, the writers wised-up to it, and now it's much better. Then they got rid of the lame cast members and added Shirley Schmidt, who's a great foil for Shatner's Mad-cow-infested Denny Crane. Denny Crane! I'm two eps to go, and they still haven't introduced another character from the second season (and booted one of the ones I liked from this), so I'm looking forward to seeing how they do this. Anyway, for those of you who have avoided it, no longer! Tuesday nights. 10pm. ABC. Denny Crane.
"Denny Crane!" - Denny Crane
"Denny Crane!" - Denny Crane
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